Digital Viticulture Symposium

19/07/17: Come check out Jonathan Jaramillo’s presentation on a Low-Cost Vision-Based System for Early Yield Prediction in Vineyards at the Digital Viticulture Symposium 2019 arranged by the Cornell Extension School.


CIDA Award

19/06/19: Very excited to announce that we were selected for a Cornell Institute of Digital Agriculture award to support our newest project on “Improving strawberry yield through native and robotic pollinators“, in collaboration with Prof. Scott McArt (Cornell) and Prof. Nils Napp (joining Cornell in Spring 2020).


17/06/19: Big congrats to all the graduate and undergraduate students that got THREE papers accepted to the International Symposium for Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems 2019. Their papers concern hardware, coordination, and sensing opportunities in flexible modular robots! (More info to come…)

  • Steven Ceron, Nialah Wilson, Logan Horowitz, and Kirstin Petersen. “Comparative Analysis of Sensors in Rigid and Deformable Modular Robots for Shape Estimation”, full paper, Intl. Symp. for Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2019.
  • Steven Ceron*, Logan Horowitz*, Nialah Wilson, Claire Chen, Daniel Kim, and Kirstin Petersen. “DONUts: A Scalable, Self-Reconfigurable Robot with Compliant Modules”, extended abstract, Intl. Symp. for Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2019. *Co-first authors.
  • Nialah Wilson, Steven Ceron, Logan Horowitz, and Kirstin Petersen. “Simulation and Control of the DONUts Modular Robot for Gradient Tracking in Cluttered Environments”, extended abstract, Intl. Symp. for Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2019.


30/04/19: Big congrats to Emilie Baker for passing her ME qualifying exam in Design; Danna Ma for passing her ECE qualifying exam in VLSI; and to both Danna Ma and Jonathan Jaramillo for passing their ECE qualifying exam in Probability! All graduate students are now well on their way to make an impact in precision agriculture and structural health monitoring, spanning techniques in robotics, computer vision, bio-inspired mechanisms, and soft sensing.

ELI Award

26/04/19: Big congratulations to Zoe Du for receiving the Cornell Engineering Learning Initiatives Award to continue her work on a broadly accessible platform for collective robotic construction over Summer!

New Museum, NYC

27/04/19: We have the honor of working with World-famous artist Rachel Rose in this years Seven on Seven presented by Rhizome and the New Museum in NYC on April 27th. This event is open to the public – please come and join the discussion as we mix art and tech.

Science on Tap

24/04/19: Join us for Science on Tap, Wednesday 7pm at North Star House’s Casita Del Polaris!

WHCU Radio

22/04/19: Tune in Monday, when Prof. Petersen gives a brief pitch on the WHCU radio about her upcoming Science on Tap talk!

RoboSoft 2019

15/04/19: If you find yourself in Seoul, please stop by our poster stand at RoboSoft 2019, where Asena Ulug, Logan Horowitz, Timothy Duggan, and Emilie Baker will present on an Inchworm-inspired, Untethered Soft Robot!

NSF Fellowship

09/04/2019: Huge congratulations to graduate student Steven Ceron for receiving the NSF fellowship to continue his work on programmable soft materials! Related image