
17/06/19: Big congrats to all the graduate and undergraduate students that got THREE papers accepted to the International Symposium for Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems 2019. Their papers concern hardware, coordination, and sensing opportunities in flexible modular robots! (More info to come…)

  • Steven Ceron, Nialah Wilson, Logan Horowitz, and Kirstin Petersen. “Comparative Analysis of Sensors in Rigid and Deformable Modular Robots for Shape Estimation”, full paper, Intl. Symp. for Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2019.
  • Steven Ceron*, Logan Horowitz*, Nialah Wilson, Claire Chen, Daniel Kim, and Kirstin Petersen. “DONUts: A Scalable, Self-Reconfigurable Robot with Compliant Modules”, extended abstract, Intl. Symp. for Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2019. *Co-first authors.
  • Nialah Wilson, Steven Ceron, Logan Horowitz, and Kirstin Petersen. “Simulation and Control of the DONUts Modular Robot for Gradient Tracking in Cluttered Environments”, extended abstract, Intl. Symp. for Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS), 2019.