Robotics panel

11/10/21: Please join us for the first annual CIDA symposium October 11-12th. The first item on the agenda is a panel moderated by Kirstin Petersen on Agricultural Robotics Around the World! Participation is free (online) with registration.


30/9/21: Congrats to PhD student Haron Abdel-Raziq for getting his paper on Automated Monitoring of Pollinators With Agricultural Robots accepted to the 8th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications!

Science Technology Center

09/09/2021: We’re extremely excited to announce that the Science Technology Center Center for Research on Programmable Plant Systems (CROPPS) launched today. This is a $25M collaborative venture awarded by the National Science Foundation to the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC); the University of Arizona; and Cornell University.



26/07/21: Very excited to announce that our paper on how “Imperfect comb construction reveals the architectural abilities of honeybees” was just published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The insights from this study not only benefits biology, but may serve as inspiration for future construction algorithms and robot collectives.

R:SS Pioneers

11/7/21: Join us at 5.25pm EST at the R:SS pioneers workshop panel for senior PhD students and Postdoctoral researchers.

RA-L / IROS 2021

30/06/21: Big congratulations to PhD student Steven Ceron, M.Eng. student Annie Kimmel (now at CMU), and Postdoc Alli Niles for getting their paper on Soft Robotic Oscillators with Strain-Based Coordination accepted to RA-Letters with presentation at IROS2021!


18/05/21: Congratulations to Nialah Wilson for having her abstract on Designing Tactile Human-Drone Interactions for Movement Instruction​, accepted for an oral presentation at the 2021 STEMNoire Inaugural Research and Holistic Wellness Conference!

Ubiquitous Robots

17/05/21: Congratulations to Jonathan Jaramillo, Andrew Lin, Emma Sung, and Isabel Richter for having their work on the Martha Human Robot Interaction platform accepted to Ubiquitous Robots 2021.

ELI Award

04/05/21: Big congratulations to Alex Zhu and Robby Huang who just received an ELI award to continue their work over the Summer on Single-Actuated Wave robots!

RoboSoft workshops

11/04/21: Kirstin Petersen is giving invited talks at two exciting RoboSoft workshops happening on 4/12 on Material Intelligence and Soft Robotics in Agriculture. Registration is free!